Willie & Linsey Hendricken | Mind-Body Medicine
Willie & Linsey Hendricken | Mind-Body Medicine
Our Goal
With over 20 years of experience in the field of energy healing, we are highly skilled practitioners with a passion for helping others. Our goal is to help you achieve your full potential, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. With our expertise and compassionate approach, we work with you remotely or in person, to be a shining light in the world of energy healing.
We work at an energy level, so the nature of your problem does not matter. We deal with the energetic imbalances that cause your lack of well-being. People and their pets come to us with every conceivable problem be it physical, emotional, or mental.
Services Offered
Depression, anxiety and Pain
During your initial complimentary assessment we will design a protocol to address your specific needs from one, or a combination of the following services:-
Therapies are facilitated individually, long distance or in groups.